Let's grab a gold switch blade
And make us a blood pact babe
To love and to fuck and to only see ourselves
And remember this:

Your hotel hall won't be so vacant and
I can tell that you ain't faking it
Because I take death threats
Like the best of them

Would you kill kill kill 4 me?
I love you enough to ask you again
Would you kill kill kill 4 me?
You won't be kissing me unless you kill 4 me

Bloody noses are just like roses
But what happens when we are betrayed
Won't you drag him to the shed
And unload six rounds in their fucking face
This is a sacrifice

Your hotel hall won't be so vacant and
I can tell that you ain't faking it
Because I take death threats
Like the best of them

Would you kill kill kill 4 me?
I love you enough to ask you again
Would you kill kill kill 4 me?
You won't be kissing me unless you kill 4 me

Sideways for attention, long for results
Who are you going to cross?

Sideways for attention, long for results
Who are you going to cross?

Sideways for attention, longways for results
Who are you going to cross?

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